Dr. Destruction's Crimson Theatre
Sponsors and Underwriters


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If you are interested in becoming an underwriter, donator or sponsor, read below.


Dr. Destruction's Crimson Theatre is aired on community access television and we receive no funding to produce the show. The cable station supplies us with a certain amount of equipment, but the props, make up, video tapes, printing supplies, plus much more is paid out of the pockets of Dr. Destruction and Professor Spring.

We are accepting donations or you can sponsor the show.
Sponsors are usually buinesses that help with funding and in return get some recognition, usually like advertising.
Undwerwriters are usually businesses that help with supplying certain things for the show and usually get some recognition, usually like advertising.
Donators are usually individuals that would like to help out with the funding or services to keep the show going. The recognition is usually smaller depending upon the donation.
Either your a sponsor, underwriter or donator - it will be listed on our website and at the end of the show.
No matter how big or small the donation, it is greatly appreciated. Every little bit helps.
To learn more please e-mail us.

Links to underwriter's and sponsor's website



Donators, Underwriters and Sponsors


  1. Trollenberg Video and Collectibles